
2021 Berlin - Portbou (director/ editor), documentary

2019 Lilea Rosa (screenplay), feature film, in development (director: Christian Klandt / Tamtam)

2012 Über Leben / Regarding Life (screenplay / director), short feature

2011 Mit Ohne Dich AT (screenplay), feature film

2011 Wir machen hier Deutsch (director / editor), short documentary

2010 Pull The Plug (DOP / director / editor), Installation

2009 Es sind noch Berge draußen / There are still mountains outside (screenplay), documentary (director: Janina Herhoffer)

2008 Der Die Das (director / editor), documentary

2007 Platz im Schatten / In the shade (screenplay / director) short feature

2006 Dreckmonster / Dirt monsters (screenplay) animation (director: Maike Ramke, Christian Retzlaff)

2005 Hydrophil (screenplay / assistent director), short feature (director: Mia Grau)


2020 Butterfly (Visual Concept / editor) Music video

2019 Coro Santa Cecilia di Firenze (DOP / editing) Trailer

2018 Respiriamo la Primavera (concept / editing) Trailer

2018 L' uomo visibilie e invisibile (concept / editing) Trailer

2017 Coro Santa Cecilia di Firenze (editing) Image Video

Assistant Director

2012 Tough Love (director: Ralph Etter), music video unofficial

2009 Wüste Außen Tag / Desert - exterior - day (director: Mia Grau), feature film

Radio Play

2009 Ich ist ein anderer - Fünf Variationen über ein Thema / Episode: Me is someone (screenplay / director) 


2016 Jahrbuch Ganztagsschule - Article: Der Die Das - A documentary about the struggle for adaptation and performance | Wochenschau Verlag

2014 Ahrenshooper Seiten | Weites Land - In the middle of paradise

2014 Blickwechsel Ahrenshoop: Gestern und Heute | Exhibition at the Art Museum Ahrenshoop

film excerpts (selection)